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AASV Conducts Epidemiologic Survey on Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea

In an effort to determine how porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) may have been introduced into the U.S. swine herd, AASV is conducting an epidemiologic survey of PED-positive herds. This survey was compiled in collaboration with National Pork Board, National Pork Producers Council and USDA.

We need your help. If you are working with a U.S. swine herd that has been CONFIRMED PED-positive and are willing to complete a survey, please contact the AASV office (aasv@aasv.org) as soon as possible with your name and contact information (email address and phone number). You will then be provided with the survey and instructions. Respondents will be asked to complete a survey on the affected herd and on a non-affected control herd.

Timely completion of the survey is critical. The survey responses will be gathered by AASV. Any personal identifiers will be removed and the epidemiologic data forwarded on for analysis at USDA’s Center for Epidemiology and Animal Health (CEAH) in Fort Collins, Colorado. ALL INFORMATION WILL BE TREATED CONFIDENTIALLY AND ONLY AGGREGATE RESULTS WILL BE REPORTED.

Thank you for your assistance in our efforts to determine the origin of PEDV in the U.S.