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AASV Foundation Announces 2013 Research Funding

The AASV Foundation is pleased to announce the funding of research with application to the swine veterinary profession. The foundation’s research review committee selected two proposals for funding in 2013:

The foundation will provide $4324 to fund the study, "Comparison of regional limb injection to systemic medication for the treatment of septic lameness in sows," led by Dr. Brandon Dominguez at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences. The project will explore whether regional intravenous limb perfusion of lincomycin HCl provides an improved method for treating sow lameness caused by localized septic conditions, as compared to treating with systemic lincomycin only.

The foundation also approved support of up to $6000 for a proposal to host a Dahlem-style workshop on "Disease surveillance in complex production systems," submitted by Drs Eric Neumann (Massey University) and Jeff Zimmerman (Iowa State University). The funding is contingent upon the investigators securing the additional co-funding necessary to conduct the workshop, which is slated to take place in late 2013.

An overview of past and current projects funded by the foundation is available at The AASV Foundation Board has scheduled a meeting to discuss plans for expanding its support of swine research, given the success of the recent fundraising auction and receipt of the $100,000 donation for research from MJ Biologics and MVP Laboratories.