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Let's Go for the Gold!

The AASV Foundation Auction Committee is striving for another record-setting auction fundraiser, to be held Monday, March 11 during the AASV's 50th Annual Meeting in Orlando. As AASV prepares to celebrate its golden anniversary, we're calling on AASV members and sponsors to "Go for the Gold" in support of foundation efforts to provide continued funding for swine research and educational opportunities for veterinary students and swine veterinarians.

You can show your support for swine veterinarians by making a contribution to the AASV Foundation auction. Wondering what to donate? Past auction contributions have reflected donors' passions for art, photography, quilting, knitting, hunting, fishing, sporting events, local artisans, antiques, and - of course - pigs! Contributing an item for the auction (or making a monetary contribution) is easy - just complete the donation form and return it to the AASV Foundation by December 1. Check out the items already donated at

The funds raised at the auction help fund travel stipends and externship grants for veterinary students, research grants, the Hogg Scholarship, tuition grants for students attending the Swine Medicine Education Center, and educational programs and materials for swine veterinarians, including scholarships for AASV members pursuing board certification in the American College of Animal Welfare. See for details on these programs.

Contributing an item also reaps benefits for you! Each contribution and donor is recognized on the auction website, which is referenced in frequent AASV e-Letter announcements about the auction. In addition, donors will be noted in the ClickBid bidding app, the printed auction catalog, and the Journal of Swine Health & Production. What are you waiting for?