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Findings and Recommendations on the Phase II Review of the Animal Care and Well-Being at the Agricultural Research Service to the REE Under Secretary

The USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) - Animal Handling and Welfare Review Panel visited five ARS research sites: the Livestock and Range Research Laboratory in Miles City, Montana; the Livestock Behavior Research Unit in West Lafayette, Indiana; the Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory in Athens, Georgia; the Richard B. Russell Agricultural Research Center in Athens, Georgia; and the National Animal Disease Center in Ames, Iowa. Based on the observations of the panel members, no evidence of poor animal handling, animal abuse, or inadequate veterinary care was observed or identified. Furthermore, the facilities were found to be in compliance with ARS Policies and Procedures, particularly in regards to the composition and function of the local animal care oversight committees, although operations of the IACUC varied between facilities. The panel has provided recommendations and refinements specific to each site to improve compliance with both the letter and spirit of ARS Policies and Procedures in regards to animal welfare and oversight. Additionally, the panel has provided recommendations that we believe will encourage improvements in the overall animal care and oversight programs operated within ARS.

Source: USDA, REE Advisory Board, July 6, 2015