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Mandatory Reporting to Indiana BOAH

The U.S. Department of Agriculture declared porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDv) and swine enteric Coronavirus diseases (SECD) reportable to state and federal animal health officials. The announcement, which took effect on June 5, requires producers, veterinarians and laboratory staff to report test-positive cases as part of a new national program.

How to Report in Indiana Test-positive cases of PEDv and/or SECD in Indiana swine should be reported to the Indiana State Board of Animal Health (BOAH). Reports to BOAH will meet the federal reporting requirement, as state officials will coordinate with USDA.

To make an official report, a copy of the laboratory test results should be submitted to BOAH through U.S. Mail or via a special email address: swinereporting@boah.in.gov

This inbox will be the central repository for producers and veterinarians to use. Submissions to the Indiana Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory (ADDL) at Purdue University are automatically reported to BOAH. A positive test needs to be reported only once to BOAH; the practitioner and producer should coordinate who will make the report.

More Info
More information about PEDv, USDA’s announcement and BOAH resources is on the agency website at:

Many details of the USDA program are still under development. As updates are provided to BOAH and program specifics are defined, they will be posted to this web page.