Cut Down Influenza A with Sequivity(R) IAV-S NA

Save 3 Cents: Mail Your VP Postcard Ballot Today!

The annual election for AASV Vice President is underway. If you haven't already returned your ballot in the mail, today would be a good day to do so! US postage rates are increasing, and the postcard ballot will cost an additional three cents to mail after this Saturday. Of course, AASV will pay postage due on any ballots received after the rate increase goes into effect. The nominees for AASV Vice President are Drs. Doug Groth (Carthage, Illinois) and Michelle Sprague (Audubon, Iowa). Information about the candidates appears in the January/February 2012 issue of the Journal of Swine Health and Production. Ballots have been mailed to all AASV Active Members (veterinarians in the US, Canada, and Mexico) and must be returned by mail. Only official ballots received in the AASV office by March 2 will be counted. The election results will be announced at the AASV 2012 Annual Meeting in Denver.