Cut Down Influenza A with Sequivity(R) IAV-S NA

Prevalence and Risk Factors for Swine Influenza Virus Infection in the English Pig Population

Infection of pigs with influenza viruses is a cause of considerable economic loss for pig farmers as well as a potential human health concern - as evidenced by the identification of genetic material derived from swine-adapted influenza viruses in a novel strain of H1N1 influenza virus in 2009. A study was conducted investigating the prevalence of influenza virus infection in a selection of 143 English pig herds between April 2008 and April 2009, which found evidence of recent virus circulation in over half of these herds (n=75). Farms which were sampled in the summer months were found to have lower odds of recent virus circulation, as were farms containing pigs kept in straw yards. Additionally, farms containing pigs kept indoors and farms containing high numbers of finisher pigs per water space were found to have higher odds of recent virus circulation. It is hoped that further studies will expand on these findings, and may allow targeting of surveillance for influenza viruses in the English pig population.

Alexander Mastin, Pablo Alarcon, Dirk Pfeiffer, James Wood, Susanna Williamson, Ian Brown, COSI Consortium, and Barbara Wieland; Prevalence and risk factors for swine influenza virus infection in the English pig population; PLoS Curr. 2011 February 11; 3: RRN1209.

PMCID: PMC3032880