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Elanco Publishes Newsletter Focusing on Improving Producer Profitability

Elanco has teamed with economist Dr. Dennis DiPietre to publish FVP Practitioner e-newsletter a free monthly newsletter focusing on helping swine producers get more Full Value Pigs--and in turn, more profit--through new, innovative approaches to production management. Each issue looks at rethinking traditional practices in addition to interviewing industry thought-leaders.

According to Elanco, the e-newsletter will focus on providing pork producers profit-oriented guidance on getting more Full Value Pigs, including:

  • Innovative insights
  • Interviews with industry leaders
  • Resources and tools
  • Management tips and techniques

Elanco is promoting Full Value Pigs as a tool to help producers assess and improve the performance and profitability of their pigs. The Full Value Pigs concept emphasizes pigs that reach optimal weight in a desired timeframe to achieve maximum profitability. Producers generally achieve Full Value Pigs through well-defined practices and processes, starting with good health, steady gain and uniform weight.

DiPietre, the author of FVP Practitioner, explains his goal with FVP Practitioner: "I've worked with pork producers all around the world, and the Full Value Pigs metric is one of the most revealing and innovative ways to measure and increase profitability in the industry today. I'm excited to share what I've learned with producers in the FVP Practitioner."

To subscribe to FVP Practitioner, visit