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Purdue Study Adds Pork to Weight Loss Programs

A study conducted at Purdue University's Laboratory for Integrative Research in Nutrition, Fitness and Aging released this week in the journal Obesity finds that including lean sources of pork in a weight loss program could help retain lean body mass while losing weight.

The research study, funded by the Pork Checkoff, included 46 women classified as either pre-obese or obese based on their Body Mass Index (BMI). The subjects were placed on one of two energy-deficient diets containing either higher protein (30%) or normal protein (18%). The high protein group consumed 6 ounces of lean pork on average per day. They were then monitored over a twelve-week period to measure weight loss, fat mass, lean body mass, and perceived dietary satisfaction.

The study results indicate that consuming a higher-protein diet and accomplishing weight loss before becoming obese help women preserve Lean Body Mass (LBM). The women consuming the higher protein diet lost less LBM. Because muscle burns more calories, the finding is important in long-term weight control. Use of a higher-protein diet also improves perceptions of satiety and pleasure during energy restriction.

Hoosier Ag Today, February 13, 2007