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Chronic Wasting Disease Researcher Warns Hunters to Test Venison

Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) researcher professor Edward Hoover at Colorado State University is warning hunters to have deer and elk tested for the presence of CWD before consuming it.

Although there are no epidemiological studies linking CWD to human infections, Hoover recommends having the meat tested because of recent research that shows that saliva and blood can transmit CWD among deer. He expressed concern that prions could be present in low concentrations in all organs and tissues.

According to the article, it costs approximately $25 to have a sample tested at the Wyoming Game and Fish Department's lab in Laramie, WY as part of that state's CWD surveillance program. Results take approximately two to three weeks and can be tracked online at the Wyoming Game and Fish Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance's website.

Casper Star Tribune