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Wellness Wednesday - Why It’s Important to Talk About Mental Health

Physical and mental well-being are both important. But sometimes discussing physical health issues is more comfortable than talking about mental health concerns. Conversations about mental health help people around you feel empowered to seek the support they need.

Here are some ways to normalize the mental health conversation:

Be open to talking about it - It's ok to not be ok. By openly discussing challenges, we enable our friends and family to better understand our struggles. This also helps them feel encouraged to share their own experiences.

Educate yourself and others - Do your own research and talk about what you learn with family, friends, peers, neighbors and your network. By sharing accurate information, we dispel misconceptions surrounding mental health.

Use mindful language - Mental health conditions are often used negatively as adjectives. Be mindful of the words you choose to describe individuals, situations and behaviors you perceive as different. By using respectful language, we contribute to a more inclusive and supportive environment.

Click here for more mental health resources from the National Pork Board.

[Source: 9 June 2023 National Pork Board and Wellmark Blue ]

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