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Global Experts in Swine Viral Diseases Convene in Chicago

The 2022 NAPRRS/NC229 International Conference of Swine Viral Diseases, held December 2 through 4 in Chicago, Ill., attracted more than 170 participants.

This is the premier conference for addressing viral disease threats facing pork production. Pork is the most-consumed meat in the world. Swine diseases have the potential to take a devastating toll on global food security and economic stability.

The meeting featured speakers and panelists from Canada, Denmark, Germany, Korea, the Netherlands, Peru, Poland, Spain, Thailand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Participants included academic researchers, diagnosticians, veterinarians, field practitioners, and government and industry professionals.

Dr. Ying Fang served as executive director of the conference. Dr. Raymond (Bob) Rowland was the advisor. Both are from the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Fang also led the conference planning committee and co-chaired its joint scientific committee, along with Dr. Roman Pogranichniy of Kansas State University.

Read the full story at https://vetmed.illinois.edu/2022/12/12/swine-viral-diseases-conference/

[Source: University of Illinois12 December 2022]