Tilmovet(R) AC (tilmicosin phosphate) When you have choices, you have control. H

Golf Registrations due soon!

The AASV Foundation encourages golfers to register by Wednesday, August 10 for this year's AASV Foundation Midwest Golf Outing. The event will take place Wednesday, August 24 at the Carroll (Iowa) Country Club, and serves as a fundraiser for the Foundation as well as providing an opportunity for AASV members and other industry stakeholders to interact in a relaxed setting. Elanco Animal Health, Schering Plough Animal Health, IVESCO, and Novartis Animal Health US have provided financial support as sponsors of the event.

The event begins with golfer check-in and morning refreshments at 9:00 am. The driving range will be available for practice before the 10:00 am shotgun start to the 4-person, best-ball contest. Beverages and box lunches will be provided on-course, and a reception will follow the golfing to recognize the top teams and individual contest winners.

Registration fees of $125 per single golfer or $450 per foursome include all of the day's activities, besides providing support to the AASV Foundation. It's not necessary to be an AASV member to attend; family, friends, clients, and other industry stakeholders are welcome! Check the July/August issue of the Journal of Swine Health and Production for registration forms. For more information (or to register), contact the AASV office: Phone 515-465-5255, E-mail aasv@aasv.org.