Tilmovet(R) AC (tilmicosin phosphate) When you have choices, you have control. H

CE: CDC’s Zoonoses and One Health Updates Call August 3

The Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention (CDC) Zoonoses and One Health Updates Calls are 1-hour monthly webinars that provide timely education on zoonotic and infectious diseases, One Health, antimicrobial resistance, food safety, vector-borne diseases, recent outbreaks, and related health threats at the animal-human-environment interface. Free continuing education is available to veterinarians.

August 3, 2-3pm ET. Calls are recorded.

This month's call includes the following presentations:

  • Investing in Prevention: Getting (and Staying) Ahead of Antimicrobial Resistance across One Health
  • What you need to know to prevent zoonoses associated with fancy rats, bearded dragons, backyard poultry, and other non-traditional pets! Update on a new resource from the National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians
  • No Meat for You? Updates on the Tick Bite Meat Allergy, Alpha-Gal Syndrome

Learn more, join the call, or listen to recorded calls.