Tilmovet(R) AC (tilmicosin phosphate) When you have choices, you have control. H

Workshop: Herd Health in Alternative Swine Systems

A one day workshop is scheduled for July 26 in Paullina, Iowa. It is being held in cooperation with the Pork Niche Market Working Group and Iowa State University Extension, and cosponsored by the National Pork Board and the Animal Welfare Institute. The morning session will focus on "Healthy pigs - putting principles to work in alternative systems." Attendees will be given a preview of the coming herd health guide for alternative swine systems. Other topics will include husbandry, biosecurity, pig flow, reproductive management, and veterinary care. The afternoon will be an on-farm field day. Demonstrations will include herd health, deep-bedded farrowing, pasture farrowing and grazing systems.

Both veterinarians and producers are invited to attend. There is no charge for the morning workshop or lunch, but preregistration by July 25 is required. Contact Rick Exner at 515-294-5486 or dnexner@iastate.edu. No preregistration is required for the afternoon field day.