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More Swine Veterinarian Participation Needed in AVMA’s Survey on Product Labels

The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America (NAVTA), and the Animal Health Institute (AHI) are conducting a survey to understand how veterinarians and veterinary technicians in clinical practice reference and use the information provided on product labels when caring for their patients. If you received an invitation from AVMA to participate in the survey, please complete as soon as possible.

Survey results will be used by animal medicine manufacturers in creating future product labels or amending existing labels and by the AVMA and NAVTA to inform the creation of educational materials for veterinarians and veterinary technicians to help better understand and use the information provided on these labels.

The survey will take 10-15 minutes to complete. If veterinarians or veterinary technicians receive an invitation, qualify, and complete the study, they will be provided $25 as a thank you for their time and thoughts. The survey will be available to complete throughout the next few days or until our goal of submitted surveys is reached - so we ask that veterinarians and veterinary technicians receiving the request for the survey participate as soon as possible. Kynetec, an independent marketing research company, is hosting the survey and analyzing the responses. Feedback that is shared by respondents with Kynetec will be kept confidential and anonymous and will be reported only in summary fashion.